Course opens but video does not play.

Install latest version of Firefox or Chrome on your Android device. If its on laptop, ensure you have latest versions of Firefox, Chrome or Edge browsers.

How do I sign up

On your browser, navigate to Fill the following details: First Name, Last name: Username ( unique), Email Address (unique), Password, Verify Password, then Click submit.

I have forgotten my password

No problem. On our site, select RESET PASSWORD from the menu, enter your email address that you used to register. Am email will be sent to you email. NB: message may take up to 10 minutes to arrive to your inbox so do not request another password reset before 10 minutes are over as it may result to your account being locked. If you cant see the reset inbox, ensure to check in junk or spam folder. If you receive a password reset email that you never initiated, ignore/delete that email. If you remember your password before you click on the password reset link sent to you, ignore/delete the password reset email.

Am logged in but I can’t see any Lessons

On your Dashboard, click on the button “SEARCH LESSONS” NB: This button is available for only Logged In Users. Then on the search bar, type something e.g. Grade 7, Grade 12, Grade 9, Mathematics, Science, Exam etc. and click enter. On the resulting lessons, select one and enroll…

I can’t see a lesson I was studying previously on my DASHBOARD

Ensure to enroll in each course. When you enroll, the lesson is attached to your profile and dashboard. You will always find it in your dashboard

Can I retake a mock Exam?

You can retake any exam as many as 10 times. We actually encourage repeating. Our exam engine is populated with very many questions ( about 200 questions per exam) thus as you retake, you will get different sets of question every time giving you wider coverage

My account is locked

Send am email with subject ACCOUNT LOCKED: { Add your registered Email Address } to In the body, state your recent activity that may have resulted to the account being locked e.g. resetting password more than 3 times in a day

I think my account is compromised

Start by trying to reset your account password. If it does not work, send am email to with account. You should send this email with your registered email address not any other email. We will suspend/lock your account as we investigate. With your agreement, we may delete your previous account so that you can register a new account

Can I use my account on 2 devices

Yes, but you can only have one logged in session at a time. You may use different devices to log in e.g. Laptops, Phones, tablets etc, but each time ensure to log out of one device before attempting to log in to the 2rd device

I forgot to log out of a device I left behind

No worries. All idle/inactive sessions are terminated or logged out after 15 minutes

Am sure there is a mistake in a mock exam quiz, cant find the correct answer among choices or question does not make sense:

We appreciate all feedback that will increase the quality of our content. Report such question to us via email to On subject indicate SUSPECT EXAM QUESTION. On email details, includes: Exam name e.g. Grade 9 Science Exam 4, the whole question. We will pick up from there. Ensure you have also got an opinion from 2 more people that share knowledge on the same topic